Nurse Coaches can be essential in identifying your health and wellness goals and discovering strategies to put action behind your plans, succeed, and sustain.

4 Reasons You Need A Nurse Coach

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Believe it or not, you know the most about what works for you and what doesn’t. In case no one has ever told you, let me be the first to say, “When it comes to your health and wellness, you are the authority”!

Often times, we know what we need to do or what health goals we would like to achieve but figuring out how to get started and succeed long-term can be overwhelming. There are so many resources and so much information available that it can be hard to decode what’s reliable, unreliable, or what will work best for you.

This is where a Nurse Coach comes in!

A Nurse Coach will listen to you and guide you in making health and wellness changes that you can adopt as a lifestyle change, rather than a momentary fix.

Here are more reasons you need a Nurse Coach:

You are ready to make a positive change in your overall health and wellness and improve your lifestyle, but you may be unsure of where/how to start.

Working with a Nurse Coach can help you dig deeper into identifying the changes you want to make and discover what may be causing imbalances in your wellness and health. From low energy and blood sugar control to stress management and building healthy habits, a Nurse Coach will guide you through identifying methods that work for you, align with your vision for your wellness, and making sustainable lifestyle adjustments that go beyond just your physical body.

There is an overwhelming amount of information floating around, it’s easy to be lost when it comes to putting a plan in place. A Nurse Coach can help you remove the pressure of perfection and simplify things by taking it one milestone at a time. As a Registered Nurse, I am knowledgeable in chronic conditions, disease management, wellness promotion. Because of this, I can guide you towards creating a plan that works best for your mind, body, and soul.

Your likelihood of accomplishing your goals greatly increases when you have partnership and accountability.

Accountability is probably the single most important element fueling truly successful changes throughout your wellness journey because without accountability, execution can suffer. 1

Weekly sessions (or bi-weekly if that is your preference) and regular check-ins with your Nurse Coach will help to hold you accountable to your wellness goals and establish the structure you need to make progress toward your goals. As a Nurse Coach, I help you stay motivated and ultimately help you achieve your goals.

You’re looking for a more personal approach to health from a healthcare professional who has your best interest at heart.

Yes, you can find tons of tips and wellness strategies online but success lies within individualized approaches. With A Whole Coach, you’ll receive nurse coaching that incorporates the whole you, meaning, I consider more than just your physical body. Your coaching journey is tailored to what your strengths are, your personal vision is for your wellness, and what you know to work for you. I will partner with you to reach your goals (rather than just giving you some resources and wishing you ‘the best of luck’).

My nurse coaching will help you create a personalized roadmap to health that prioritizes simple methods that will support you to find lasting health and wellness.

You are looking for a new approach to help reach your wellness goals.

I’m willing to bet you’ve tried different methods before.

You’ve tried to manage your health, mental health, or life balance but nothing really fit into your lifestyle to make a lasting change.

Nurse Coaching is a fairly new role in health and wellness promotion. Nurse Coaching gives you access to a healthcare professional, combined with the knowledge and care of a nurse, and the strategies of a coach. As your Nurse Coach, I help you identify new ways to achieve your goals and sustain them.

Now that you know how a Nurse Coach can be essential to you on your health and wellness journey, head over to the About Page to learn more and request your free Discovery Session to get started, or schedule your session on the calendar below!
